There is currently no money to repair a river bridge which has been used for over a hundred years, it has emerged.

The bridge across the Roding provides access to Wanstead Park from the direction of the North Circular.

But it has been closed since May after health and safety inspectors found it was unsafe.

Redbridge Council has now admitted it does not have the money available in its budget and is looking for external funding.

Richard Arnopp, of Friends of Wanstead Parklands, said the closure has further undermined limited access to the park in that direction.

He added: "It is a matter of some concern for us.

"There is another bridge, but it is a little harder to find and doesn’t take you out anywhere particularly interesting – this bridge took you right out to the ornamental waters.

"It is a loss to the park – the park is not well served in terms of access from that side and it is a shame the council has had to close it.

"The council is short of money and no-one can blame them for that, but it would be a great pity if the bridge was to remain closed."

A spokeswoman for Redbridge council said: "The structure is still sound, but the deck timbers that run along and across the steel beams need to be completely replaced.

"Our long term plan is to get the bridge re-opened when funding has been secured."