A dementia charity will be visiting Waltham Abbey as part of its roadshow this month.

The Alzheimer's Charity Roadshow will be stopping at Tesco in Sewardstone Road on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 August from 10am to 4pm.

More than 24,000 people in Essex suffer with dementia, with nearly 15,000 of them undiagnosed.

The charity aims to provide information to those who may worry that a family member or friend is suffering from loss of cognitive ability.

Paul Dunnery, Alzheimer's Society’s Area Manager for East Anglia, said: “The Dementia Community Roadshow helps us to reach out to local communities and people who may not know where to turn for help.

"We’re here to provide people with information about where to get help and encourage those with concerns about their memory to visit their GP.”