An independent charity which supports parents who want to open free schools in their area has thrown its weight behind a project in Ongar.

School4Ongar, supported by MP Eric Pickles, was set up in 2012 by residents who wants a new school built to serve Ongar and the surrounding areas.

And it has now been announced that the project is to be supported by the ‘New Schools Network’, an independent charity which provides personalised support to groups preparing to submit an application to the Department for Education to open a Free School, from 2015.

School4Ongar project leader Jeff Banks, who is determined to have an all-ability, state-funded school for Ongar, said the support of the New Schools Network was a key development in the bid.

He said: “We are really pleased to have been accepted on the 'New School Network' programme. It was a very tough selection process and in addition to a lengthy application form, four of our team were grilled in a challenging interview in London.

“The whole process was very demanding but has show that our ideas are strong and our team can perform when we need to."

NSN figures show that 80 per cent of groups interviewed by the Department for Eductaion (DfE) were approved to open their free schools.

Parents who wish to express an interest in the school, or individuals or businesses who want to offer support, can contact the group at