I am putting the worst potholes in the district ‘on the map’, or so I thought.

I have decided not to add to the Essex County Council’s burden with my latest update, merely see how they’re getting on with their current workload.

Sadly the answer is, not great.

In a five-minute search on their ‘View it, track it, report it’ webpage I noticed four hazardous holes which had not been repaired within the council’s 28-day target

Ruts in Epping New Road, Trap’s Hill, Chigwell Lane and High Street, Ongar were all assessed by highways teams in early September but are still un-repaired.

Further to this I was disappointed to discover all my hard work reporting the locations of other dangerous dents had not been recognised on their map.

Half of the eight potholes I have kindly brought to the authority’s attention are not shown on their map which is updated every working day.

I shall be quizzing the council as to how they will manage to fix the craters if they’ve not yet gotten round to updating their map.