Families have just days left to have their say on proposed changes to school transport.

Essex County Council is required to make savings of £215 million by 2015/16 and residents have until Friday to add their views to a consultation over cuts to school transport.

The authority currently spends over £25 million on the provision but no saving target for Home to School Transport is outlined in the consultation document.

The proposals will affect families with children starting primary, secondary, sixth form or college education next September but not students at their current school.

A major change suggested is the removal of catchment areas as a measure for entitlement to council travel provision.

Instead Essex County Council will provide transport to a child’s closest school determined by the shortest walking route from their home.

This means every child will only be entitled to transport to one school.

Another measure outlined in the proposals is withdrawing the service for low income families with children at selective schools.

To view the full consultation document click here.