A former petrol station is to be turned into flats.

Nazeing Parish Council has been granted planning permission to convert a former Total garage in Nazeing Road, Nazeing, into six two-bedroom houses.

Members of the planning sub-committee voted unanimously against planning officers’ recommendations to refuse permission.

Councillors were satisfied concerns over insufficient space for parking and turning vehicles and a potential threat to wildlife in the nearby Nazeing Brook, eight meters to the south of the site, had been addressed.

Chairman of Nazeing Parish Council's planning committee, Chris Shorter, said: "The houses are ideal for older people scaling down due to the proximity of the shops, doctors and local public transport.

"The same applies for young people looking to take the first steps on the housing ladder."

Seven parking spaces in the development was deemed acceptable despite council Adopted Council parking standards recommend a minimum of two spaces for two or more bedroom dwellings.

The 840 square-meters site will comprise four terraced houses and two semi detached properties.

No plans have yet been made to begin the work but the parish council are in consultation with groups over the commencement and delivery of the development.