Here are the planning applications lodged in Wanstead, Woodford, Barkingside and Clayhall this week:

Mr. Sharpe: Single storey rear extension. 404, Ripple Road, Barking.

Mrs. J Tidiman: T1 (sycamore) and T3 (Leyland cypress) - fell; and T2 (Leyland cypress) - crown lift to 4m (to clear boundary wall and adjacent property/pathway). 5, Butterworth Gardens, Woodford Green.

Mrs. Wincey: Tree Preservation Order 02/89 - T1 (sycamore) - fell; and T2 (holly) - reduce by 0.5m. 4, Butterworth Gardens, Woodford Green.

Mr. A. Rafiq, Single storey rear extension with a depth of 5 metres, highest point of 4 metres, 46, Queenborough Gardens, Barkingside.

For more planning applications see next week’s Wanstead and Woodford Guardian out Thursday.