A new bullying awareness project has been launched.

A campaign launched by members of the Epping Forest Youth Council aims to promote help and support for young people facing harrassment.

As part of the ‘#URNotAlone’ campaign, youth councillors have started holding assemblies for their fellow students and distribute customised USB wristbands, which link to the council’s website.

The project, which has started to coincide with national Anti-Bullying Week, was initiated by youth councillors following consultations during Local Democracy week in October.

Young people from Epping Forest district said that their main concerns were alcohol and bullying during meetings with district councillors.

Matthew Tinker, 14, and Doncho Atanassov, 14, held an assembly at Roding Valley High School yesterday morning, and assemblies are also planned at other schools in the area.

Matthew said: “Bullying is such a big issue.

“It can affect anyone and everyone. 

“We have had positive feedback from people, in particular people in years eight and nine.

“One person came up to us and said when they were bullied, they did not know what to do.

“This information has helped them.”

As well as holding assemblies, schools have been distributing information about the campaign.

The wristbands, which feature the distinctive #URNotAlone logo, are to be distributed to all Year 9 students in the district during November.

Young person’s officer at the district council, Diane Butler, said: “It is really signposting young people where to get information.

“It is to promote the support of bullying awareness and not being a bystander to bullying; standing up for people and promoting respect and trust.”

For more information, visit the youth council’s website.