A decision on whether to approve a controversial bid by a pie and mash shop to build an extension is due to be made today.

Robins Pie and Mash, in High Street, Wanstead, hope to replace an existing retractable awning which provides outdoor seating for customers with a conservatory.

Both the Wanstead and Snaresbrook Residents’ Association (WASRA) and the Wanstead Society have spoken out against the proposal, saying its appearance will be out of keeping with the area and would provide a precedent for extensions in the High Street.

But owner June Robins said the Cuckfield pub opposite already has a conservatory.

She said the site had obtained planning approval for the conservatory in 2010, but delays meant the permission expired.

A decision on the planning application will be made at 7.15pm tonight at the Regulatory Committee at Redbridge town hall in Ilford.