People are being urged report empty properties after Epping Forest district council found there is currently around 480 properties standing empty for more than six months.

The council is calling on people to report houses not being used because it says they cause nuisance, vermin, arson, vandalism and anti-social behaviour.

It is also offering assistance to people who own empty houses.

The Empty Homes Repayable Assistance gives up to £10,000 if you intend to live in the empty property yourself, but it is in poor condition.

The money is repaid when you eventually sell the property.

Or the PLACE Loan which offers up to £25,000 if you have a property that you would like to have renovated in order to sell or rent it out.

This is an interest free loan and is paid back within two years in the case of a loan to sell, or five years in the case of the loan to let.

Village parish councillor David Stallan said: “As a council we are fully committed to bringing empty properties back into use and are looking to help owners in every way we can.

“However where all other measures have failed, we are prepared to take enforcement action as a last resort.”

If you are aware of an empty property, contact the empty property officer on telephone: 01992 564706 or email: