FIVE Epping Forest District Council staff - four men and a woman - were dismissed in the council year 2006-07 for gross misconduct, the council has revealed.

Two of the cases were the result of whistleblowing' "by staff or other parties who raised concerns about potential misconduct by employees".

A report to Monday's cabinet meeting states: "Of the six cases proceeded with under the disciplinary procedure in 2006-07, the issues under consideration were conduct within work or associated with work, which had the potential to bring the council into disrepute (four cases) and poor performance at work (two cases).

"In each case the person hearing the charges considered all the evidence presented by the officer conducting the case and that presented by the employee, and formed a view on this. In four cases this led to dismissal on grounds of gross misconduct, whereas in two cases poor performance was at issue, one of which led to dismissal, the other to a final written warning, with standards for improvement identified.