An elderly support group is celebrating after being awarded a £37,000 grant by the Peoples’ Health Trust.

Waltham Forest Senior Citizens Asian Group was set up 15 years ago to bring isolated members of the Asian community together with others from the same background.

Project manager Dr Shaukat Khan said it is important for the members to build up relationships with people from the same culture so they can support one another.

He said: “They were meeting only one day a week to do some exercises and it wasn’t enough.

“Now we are meeting twice a week and will be taking them into the city centre.

“We will be taking them to see the tower of London.

“It is a good way for them to build up relationships with each other so that they have support in the group.”

The group has 30 members and recently visited the Bank of England Museum to see how the new £5 notes are made.