MOTORISTS will be forced to slow to 20mph around two schools in Woodford Green and South Woodford in a bid to improve child safety.

The new go-slow zones will be around Avon House Infants and Junior Schools in High Road, Woodford Green, and in Bedford Road, outside Snaresbrook College, in South Woodford.

Traffic calming measures will be introduced around St Aubyn's School and Woodford Green Primary School, in High Road, Woodford Green.

Despite the plans, which were approved at a meeting of Redbridge Council's area two committee, Snaresbrook College headteacher Linda Chiverrell would like to see it extended to the High Road where drivers are go tearing past the school.

Ms Chiverrell said: "Slowing the traffic is certainly good because children have got to cross that road, and if drivers are coming down there at 30mph the chances of children getting injured are pretty high.

"But until they consider giving the parents somewhere legal to park they will continue to stop in the main road, causing a hazard for everyone."

The plans are part of the Redbridge Council's Safer Routes to School programme which will eventually impose a 20mph limit around every primary school in the borough.

They were provisionally approved just days after London Mayor Ken Livingstone announced freedom for councils to make 20mph the new default' speed limit.

Committee chairman Cllr Richard Hoskins said: "Speed kills and anything that makes schools safer is a good thing.

"After a wide consultation it is clear that the majority of residents are in favour of this around schools."

The roads around Avon House schools will be 20mph from the section of the Woodford Green High Road leading into Inmans Row (which will also be one way) and continue along Monkhams Lane, The Green and Monkhams Avenue.

There will be speed humps in Monkhams Lane and parking restrictions throughout the area are being considered.

In addition, the speed limit will be reduced from 40mph to 30mph in Woodford Green High Road outside Bancroft's School.

The measures are expected to be in place by the start of the summer.