RECENTLY questions have been asked as to who are the owners of a piece of land that starts at the junction of Princes Road and Forest Edge, Buckhurst Hill.

The answer is: the Corporation of London.

Yes, the land is part of Epping Forest.

How I do I know this? I used to play on it on my way to Princes Road school from Albert Road. This was in 1938.

As the Second World War started an air raid warden's post was built on it under a group of very large elm trees.

It was controlled by Mr Gander who owned the wet fish shop up the road from Kings Place, in Queens Road.

I recently got in touch with a group of people who live in Buckhurst Hill and told them what I knew.

The lawns of a house or two built at the bottom of a house in Princes Road should never have covered this piece of Epping Forest.

Well, over 30 years ago I got in touch with a head forest keeper, a Mr Liquorice, bringing this to his attention.

He turned down my request for an on-site meeting saying that it never was Epping Forest land. Has proof ever been shown that this piece of land was ever bought by Mr Charles French?

I, for one, would like to see it.

L. Goodey, Felstead Road, Loughton.