I HAVE felt compelled to write to you in response to an article in your paper of April 24 under the headline Teachers walk out in pay row.' I am a member of staff at Woodbridge High School and I was dismayed to read the article and to think that the views of one member of staff could be taken as representative of the teaching staff in general.

Your anonymous teacher may feel that morale is low but I would suggest that this is in no way the case and is just the blinkered view so common to those in the teaching profession who are resistant to change.

Your article also stated that Mr Andrew Beaumont, headteacher of Woodbridge High School, asked those thinking of participating in the walkout to provide their reasons for doing so.

This is factually incorrect and at no time were staff asked to do this.

I hope that you will be able to print this letter and it will go some way to undoing the damage that one small minded individual has tried to do.

Hopefully, your readers can then concentrate on the facts about Woodbridge.

One clear fact is that it is a very good school, staffed by teachers with drive, enthusiasm, and commitment, which is providing high quality teaching to a wide cross-section of our local community.

Perhaps, the member of staff quoted would be better spending their time looking for a position at a school where they felt more comfortable, rather than going on strike.

Name and Address withheld