SOMETIMES you get an organisation that really works for the people, bringing together all walks of life and all agencies.

The one thing they all have in common is that one of the family has a problem with drink or drugs or anger, all of which can be hell to live with.

This unit opens up a new way of thinking out your problem, sometimes helping to keep a family together.

With drink and drugs on the increase, let's not close down the help families need.

After 21 years of useful service, the rewards and efforts by all at the unit have been ignored, with a 70 per cent success rate for addicts leading to 100 per cent when continuing with the evening meetings.

These people specialise in addictions even your doctor would not have knowledge or time to help with.

Please stop the closure of 1NE at Beulah Road, Walthamstow.

When it works, why change it?

V Hart, Manor Road, Chingford.