WHILE I was in Walthamstow town centre on Saturday, I took a few minutes to image the giant screen that there is a plan to instal there.

It struck me that it would be quite good to have a screen where special events and films could be broadcast, as long as these occasions are properly managed and policed.

There could be serious trouble if, for example, fans from two football teams were watching a match and a fight broke out. Proper supervision is essential.

I shuddered, however, when I thought of the screen blaring out junk when the market is operating, competing with all the stallholders' cries and music and irritating shoppers and families in the children's playground.

Why does it have to operate 16 hours a day throughout the year, as the organiser want?

Please, if the screen is installed, just use it for proper planned events.

G Dyer, The Drive, Walthamstow.