FURTHER to Mrs J Forrest's letter (Let's deliver a KO to child Thai boxing', May 1), I would like to say that there is nothing wrong with children doing such sports and they should, in fact, be encouraged.

Thai boxing, along with other martial arts such as western kick boxing, karate and judo, instill in children a sense of discipline, honour and respect that is rarely found now in today's society.

Combat sports have extremely vigorous rules when it comes to children and most of them will be semi and not full contact.

If more children were doing this there would be fewer children stabbing each other, because they would have the confidence not to carry any weapons and wouldn't feel the need to prove anything.

Martial arts should be made compulsory in schools so discipline and fitness can be put back on the school curriculum where it belongs.

Jason Duck, Chief Instructor of Titan Freestyle Martial Arts, Walthamstow.