REDBRIDGE'S King George Hospital could be privatised because its bosses are performing so badly, according to the Government.

Under the plans, the country's worst performing hospital trusts will have their management handed over to private companies such as BUPA in a bid to improve their performance.

The announcement has prompted fears in the borough that centres controlled by Barking, Havering and Redbridge Hospital Trust could be in line for the changes, after it was rated the fourth worst in the country by the Healthcare Commission.

Dharam Sahdev, of the recently disbanded Redbridge Patient and Public Involvement Forum, said he feared the radical shake-up could one day lead to patients having to pay for treatment.

"In the short term, if they improve the standard and quality of service it may be all right but I'm not so sure - what we need to know is the long term objective of the Government," he said.

"If, like me, you've worked all your life paying taxes then what would it be like if they suddenly started charging us?"

Ilford North's Conservative MP Lee Scott said he was wary of the plans.

"I will wait to see the full details before making a final judgement on it but I do have grave concerns," he said.

"We have to ask why are hospitals failing in the first place? There's nothing wrong with consulting experts but what is the cost going to be for frontline services and patients?

"There's an irony here because at the last general election the Labour Government put out leaflets saying the Conservatives are going to privatise the NHS and then this is what they are doing more and more."

A spokesman for the Trust declined to comment on the plans, but said it was making good progress towards improving its quality of care following its disappointing rating.

He added: "We are on course to meet our targets for quality, safety and financial performance."