WHILE to some it may be nothing but an old banger, Betsy, Baby or Betty are the more likely labels given to adored run-arounds by our nation of car lovers.

A new study reveals that half of UK motorists admit to having a love affair with their cars, with 2 per cent claiming their heap of mental is more than just a status symbol and a way of getting from A to B, but the most important thing in their lives.

A third of the 1,000 motorists quizzed about their feelings towards their wheels by Women’s insurance specialists Diamond, also said they went further by admitting to baptising their buggies.

38 per cent of women said they christened their cars, compared with 26 per cent of men, so it stands to reason that the top five most popular names are female, with Betsy, Baby, Betty, Ruby and Susie coming top of the tags.

Some, however, have been less traditional with their baby names, calling their cars by a bunch of bizzare titles, including Einstein, Mr Aubergine McRalph, Fizzy Pop, Henry McHaggis, Kim Jong-Il and Sadie Frost.

Diamond spokesman James Carnduff said: “A car may simply be a tonne and a half of metal and glass, but to some people it means much more than that.”

He added: “People spend large amounts of time in their car so it’s not surprising that they become attached to them, however, I’m sure they get called all sorts of interesting names when they don’t work as they’re meant to.”

We would like to speak to you if you are a martyr to your motor.

No matter how blinging or minging, we want to know your automobile’s alias and what is so sweet about your chariot.

Contact Crystal Wilde on the news desk on: 8498 3462 or cwilde@london.newsquest.co.uk