THE Green Party believes that neither corporal nor capital punishment, or indeed wars, are the solutions to society’s problems – either here or abroad – and therefore supports the sentiments expressed in Tyler Matthew’s letter, ‘Salute schoolchildren who kept away during visit by army’ (Guardian, July 31).

Furthermore, your ‘Angry parents ban pupils from school’ front page article and Harry Valentine’s letter, ‘Bring back physical retribution to schools’ (Guardian, July 24) struck the perfect discord to illustrate exactly why violence is not the answer.

Unruly children are often the products of unfortunate circumstances, perhaps coming from deprived backgrounds and having low self esteem, or even comfortable homes and been spoilt to blue blazes. In any event if a mischievous child’s life at home is far from ideal, what good can come of giving it a beating at school?

Aggression breeds yet more aggression. It is not a means to an end, it becomes the end. Children beaten into submission and ruled by fear learn to believe that that is the way they should conduct themselves. From our homes, to our classrooms, streets and onto such far flung places as Afghanistan and Iraq the term for this type of behaviour is, quite simply, bullying.

“Education, education, education” was the mantra of our present Government’s early stages. And, yes, a good education is vital.

However, stuffing our children’s heads with facts and figures and then instructing them in how to just pass assessments, for the benefit of school league table performance indicators has, instead of making what is important measurable, made what is measurable important, leaving a whole generation disenfranchised from the education system.

Holistic approaches to the subject, with investment to make schools community centres of life-long learning, are required. Parenthood difficulties should be addressed with courses in child development where children could also discover themselves, how to socially interact with their peers and adults and thereby understand the true meaning of respect.

Governments should learn not to meddle with teaching and leave it in the hands of professional educators to deliver more caring, compassionate and comprehensive syllabuses. Whatever the situation, it will certainly not be helpful to go back to the dark days of ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’, nor is it conducive to send in the army.

Ashley Gunstock.

Leading spokesman.

The Green Party, Redbridge.