REGARDING your story about the Fitzgerald Road estate, in Wanstead (Guardian, July 31), it should be pointed out that the paths are in a very good condition, even if the car park is a little uneven.

There are numerous places to cross the drive to keep to the paths for safety reasons.

I agree we all have a position to see out of our windows, but no way do you have to get down on all fours.

The trees at the back (where our bedrooms are) near the gate, do not block natural sunlight and particularly protect the flats from traffic dust and dirt and like all trees, symbolise security.

Trees take in carbon dioxide, pollutants from the atmosphere, and give out oxygen. Redbridge is the greenest borough in London. If people don’t like it why don’t they get an exchange with some poor mites who live in concrete jungles who would be very pleased to live on such a lovely estate and would appreciate it instead of seemingly wanting to concrete the borough over?

Ms L Powles, Fitzgerald Road, Wanstead.