POLICE have won a prestigious award for slashing the number of people falling victim to bogus callers in the borough.

Redbridge police have been tackling the crime as a priority and the Redbridge Tilley award recognised a 54 per cent reduction in the number of incidents since June 2007.

Targeted patrols were carried out by Trading Standards and Safer Neighbourhoods teams, potential victims were visited to raise awareness and provide crime prevention advice, a publicity campaign raised awareness and restricted calling zones were also established to help deter bogus callers.

A spokeswoman for Redbridge Police said: “Concerns were raised about increased level of traders ‘cold calling’ without appointment.

"The sales pitch was sometimes aggressive and stated that repairs to their property were urgently required.

“Realising police played only one part of the key to tackling this crime, a partnership approach was necessary to make a significant impact on reduction.”

Visit met.police.uk for more information.