ONE pharmacy in Waltham Forest has been identified to stock and dispense anti-swine flu drugs like Tamiflu.

NHS Waltham Forest informed the Guardian that a venue had been chosen but refused to reveal its location.

A spokesman for the primary care trust said: “We do have a venue set up but for security reasons we do not wish to disclose where it is.

“Patients, relatives or carers will be told where it is if they need to collect the anti-flu viral.”

No cases of the virus have yet been confirmed in Waltham Forest but at least ten cases have been reported in Redbridge since May.

All the confirmed cases have been in the Wanstead and Woodford area and the three most recent cases were close to the border with Waltham Forest.

Two were reported at separate primary schools in Snaresbrook and Woodford Green and the third was at a high school, also in Woodford Green.

NHS London has also stated that one pharmacy in every London borough has been identified to stock and dispense anti-viral drugs.

A spokesman said: “All Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) in London have identified at least one pharmacy in their borough that is stocked ready with anti-viral drugs for people to collect when instructed to do so by their GP.

“GPs will clinically assess people with flu-like symptoms to determine who needs treatment and if so issue a prescription for antiviral treatment on the spot. This prescription can then be exchanged for anti-viral drugs at the nearest designated pharmacy.”

NHS London also urged people to remain calm and advised them not to restrict their normal movement unless instructed by a GP.

The total number of cases across the capital was 528 as of June 23.

Those with concerns about the virus are urged to contact NHS Direct for advice 0845 4647