CHURCH End ward in South Woodford is to have a new police sergeant for its Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT).

Sergeant Dave Somerville, who takes over on Monday August 3, is moving from Loxford Ward in the south of the borough.

The news comes amid recent staff shortages at the SNT branch.

PC Anton Brown admitted in a recent area two council meeting that Church End's officers were only able to patrol the area surrounding South Woodford High Road at the weekend once every three weeks, and have been forced to rely on other teams in the borough to help plug the gap.

Sgt Somerville joined the Met in January 1990, and has previously worked in a variety of police squads including in London's West End.

He has been in Redbridge since being promoted to sergeant in 2000.

Chelmsford and Derby Road Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator Frank Cruder said: "We're very pleased to have him. I've heard he's the bees knees."