CHRISTMAS presents donated to Operation Christmas Child by borough residents have been warmly received by children around the world.

More than 1,400 shoeboxes of essential items and toys have been distributed by the charity from residents to children in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Liberia, Romania and Serbia.

Operation Christmas Child regional manager Gordon McCann said: “When they arrive in the destination country the shoeboxes are distributed on the basis of need by local organisations, charities and churches to children aged between two and 14, many living in orphanages, street shelters, hospitals, displaced persons camps or whose families are facing hardship due to poverty.

“The joy that the shoeboxes bring lightens their lives, and the care and consideration that people here put into choosing their gifts shines through in the personal touches and in the items they send.”

Ian Macleod, head of operations and logistics for Operation Christmas Child said: “I would like to add my thanks to everyone in Waltham Forest who has taken part in Operation Christmas Child - you really have made Christmas better for many, many children.”