AN organisation representing community groups has hit out at Mayor Sir Robin Wales for refusing to attend a meeting to address their concerns.

Telco (the East London Citizens Organisation), which is part of an alliance of 85 community groups from across London, is angry that the mayor refused to speak to 100 representatives from ten local groups last Thursday.

Telco says the decision by Conservative mayoral candidate Shafi Choudury not to respond to its invitation shows he did not regard the meeting at St Bonaventure's School in Forest Gate as significant.

However, Telco adds that Sir Robin's behaviour was a greater cause for concern after he described questions, which were submitted a week in advance, as "unacceptable" because he wanted to focus on his successes.

A Telco spokesman said: "He was saying to 5,000 people who form the member communities that he didn't need their vote. The community leaders felt that failing to turn out showed arrogance and a disregard for the organised voice of a significant part of the Newham population.

"The leaders were aware that they were asking questions that might challenge the mayor, including concerns about Queens Market and the desperate lack of affordable housing would offer significant challenges to all the candidates."

In an email sent to Telco and seen by the Guardian, Sir Robin wrote: "Issues such as crime and anti-social behaviour, levels of council tax, education, street cleanliness all of which I have an excellent track record on might have been appropriate areas of discussion.

"I find that the questions are all on the topic of the council's and the mayor's relations with Telco. This is not acceptable."

A spokesman said the Telco leadership viewed this as a "contemptuous dismissal" of their views.

Responding to Sir Robin's email, Rev Jan Atkins wrote: "So this is the sort of dictatorial mayor we have. He only wants to answer questions that he wants asked. Telco genuinely consults and the questions it comes up with come from its members."

A spokesman for the Mayor said: "Sir Robin was invited to a hustings a while ago and he accepted. A week before the meeting it became clear it was not going to be a hustings as questions were sent through from Telco.

"The questions exclusively concentrated on Telco. This is not a constructive use of the mayor's time. The mayor has an excellent record of dealing with issues raised by Telco.

"All council staff are paid above the living wage, which is one of Telco's campaigns, and if we are re-elected, we will be looking for council contractors to follow suit."

Christian Peoples Alliance candidate Alan Craig and Respect candidate Abdurahman Jafar both attended the meeting.