Artist - Gomez

Album - How We Operate

Label - RCA

It is some time now since Gomez made a truly essential disc. The band that got really big really quickly with singles like Whippin' Piccadilly and Get Myself Arrested started to spin the discs out from Liquid Skin onwards, but always neatly changed direction from murky rock to clever folk/ jam band. Their last, Split The Difference, had real moments (and some really loud moments), but with this album they have made a fantastic comeback. This is as good as rock gets - literate, fluid, dynamic, with aching swells and sweet acoustics. Their rediscovered folky originality extends from melancholic to more balls-out rock throughout this disc, with songs like Girlshapedlovedrug and Charlie Patton Songs enough to please even the most jaded Gomez fan. Gomez don't sound like anyone else - if you have ever liked them, this disc is for you.

Rating 8/10/b>