The British National Party's candidate for Epping Forest MP Pat Richardson answers your questions:

How would you use your role as MP to make Epping Forest a better place to live?

"I would bring to the attention of relevant ministers matter that could help the locality."

Do you think all MPs expenses should be abolished and if not what reforms do you think are needed?

"No, some are relevant, but much stricter monitoring should be applied."

What do you think is the single most important issue facing contemporary Britain and why?

"Immigration, and its consequences caused by the restrictions put upon us by the EU."

Are there any of your own party's policies that you disagree with or do you tow the party line in everything they say?

"There is very little in my parties policies I do not agree with, in fact they are in line with my own thinking, being sensible and logical. Following the PC line distorts normality."