NEW research suggests areas of Wanstead and Woodford could be at greater risk from flooding than previously thought.

A flood risk assessment carried out by Redbridge Council, highlights a number of areas which could be at risk of serious flooding in the event of a “1 in 100” chance of extremely heavy rainfall.

The study also takes climate change into account and states: “We have enough confidence in large scale climate models to say that we must plan for change.”

Residents in the areas where floodwaters could reach as high as 1.5 metres are largely unaware that they live in potential flood zones.

Stephen Isaacs, 71, a taxi driver from Malcolm Way, which is in an area deemed at risk of serious flooding in the event of a 1 in 100 storm, said he was shocked to hear his road was at risk.

“Hopefully it won’t happen in my lifetime,” he said. “There has been flooding in the area in the past, but we weren’t hit hard here, so it’s a surprise to hear that we could be affected.”

Mr Isaacs’ neighbour Doreen Caine, 59, said she was concerned by the council’s report.

She added: “I saw flooding on the roads round here a few years ago. You couldn’t drive your cars around the area.

“I live on the ground floor, so in the worst scenario I could be severely affected.

The weather seems to be changing, who knows how heavy the rain could get.”

Floods in October 2000 caused extensive problems along Chigwell Road and adjacent side roads between Charlie Brown’s roundabout and the M11 bridge, Roding Lane South and Wanstead Park Road.

Around 250 homes were flooded on that occasion, forcing many residents to seek temporary accommodation and causing thousands of pounds worth of damage.

Ross Bullock, 33, of Ingatestone Road, Woodford, remembers the damage caused by those floods clearly.

He said: “I went down to the Chigwell Road and saw all the flooded houses with people’s possessions outside in the road.”

Mr Bullock was surprised to hear his road was one of a number of streets deemed at risk in the event of a 1 in 100 flood.

He added: “I had no idea, but I’m glad to hear the council are doing reports and preparing for the worst.”

Click here to read the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment reports

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