TWO support staff at a cash-strapped school have been made redundant while others face changes to their working hours and roles.

The redundancies at Woodbridge High School in St Barnabas Road, Woodford Green, have sparked fears that children’s education could suffer as teachers are stretched.

The cuts follow months of negotiations between school management and unions over measures to deal with a reported £25,000 budget cut.

Support staff, such as learning assistants and study supervisors, play a vital role in supporting teachers, according to unons.

Bob Archer, National Union of Teachers (NUT) president for Redbridge, said: “We’re horrified to learn of the redundancies.

“This is just going to increase the difficulties teachers face in getting children through their exams.”

“Parents should be concerned about their children’s education and future.”

The Guardian understands the National Union of Teachers could ballot its members at the school over strike action if the departures significantly increase workloads.

Unison representative Greta Farian said her members’ jobs were considered safe, but there are concerns over changes to working hours.

“We are looking at reduced hours and change of duties that we will need to negotiate on,” she said.

Two staff will leave in October after working their notice at the start of the new school year.

When news broke of cuts in April, a spokeswoman for Redbridge Council said: “The school does not envisage any impact on the children’s education and we are not proposing to increase the number of hours that teachers have to work as a result of the savings.

“Class sizes will not change. The priority is for the school to continue to provide long term excellent provision for children’s learning."

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