Figures just released in the Halifax Money Survey show a surge this year in the amount of pocket money children are given to spend to £6.25 a week, reversing a seven year decline. Woodford residents gave their views on the news.

George Lane, South Woodford.

Rikki Dole, 30, Crescent Road, South Woodford

“It does surprise me a bit that people are giving their kids more pocket money, a lot of people have not got jobs. They are probably giving them more money to shut them up.”

Jane Flethcher, 43, Cleveland Road, South Woodford

“Our kids do not get pocket money, we buy them what they need. If anything it is probably peer pressure influencing people to give their kids more money so they don’t get left out.”

May Wilson, 59, George Lane, South Woodford

“I think if people are giving their kids that much more money they must believe that they are more affluent than they really are and are spending too much. Toys are more expensive now though so maybe kids need more to buy anything.”

Ian Williams, 42, Cleveland Road, South Woodford

“I think kids should be doing chores rather than getting something for nothing. £6 a week is not a lot of money now though, it probably means about as much as £1 did when I was younger.”

Lalantha Downing, 37, Marlborough Road, South Woodford

“It surprises me because everyone is in a bad state financially. I think kids are more demanding these days though.”

Christine Dear, 66, Monkhams Avenue, Woodford Green

“It seems like a lot of money for a child to have. I suppose the price of things is going up but children can go the park and play for free.”

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