A FRESH appeal for witnesses to the murder of a DJ in Chingford has been launched on the anniversary of his death.

Wayne Powell, 38, who was known as DJ Connoisseur and was a keen body builder, was shot on July 5 2010, near the gym he used in Higham Station Avenue after getting out of his car to speak to a lone gunman.

He was taken to hospital, but pronounced dead, leaving his fiancée, Anne Boriel, who was about five months pregnant with their son, also called Wayne, at the time.

The gunman, who is believed to have been black, about 5ft 10ins and wearing a tracksuit, ran off towards Coningsby Gardens.

Three men, aged 29, 37 and 34, were arrested in the months following the shooting, but were all released without further action.

The police are offering a £20,000 reward for information leading to the prosecution of those responsible for murdering Mr Powell, who was from Tottenham and worked at Seven Sisters Underground station.

Detective Inspector Dave Rock said: “Two years have passed and Wayne's family deserve to know who is responsible for his death.

“Wayne was a good man; he was not involved in criminality or gangs. He worked hard for a living and was universally popular.

“This was a cold-blooded and cowardly shooting. If you have any information or suspicions about who killed him please come forward.

“You can approach us in absolute confidence - if you are worried, please just call so we can put your mind at rest before you pass on any information.”

Anyone with information should call the incident room on 0208 733 4212 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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