I am writing in response to Lesley Carter’s letter (Deer left suffering by the road for too long, Guardian, September 11).

The fact that it was in excess of 24 hours until the animal was put down is highly regrettable.

But to give some perspective, Forest Keepers have attended 123 deer-related call-outs in the last year, with the majority of these cases resulting in the animal being humanely dispatched. Forest Keepers carry out this work on a voluntary basis for the local highways authority, which is responsible for deer traffic collisions, rather than the City of London Corporation (the conservators).

Should members of the public find an injured deer they should first of all not put themselves at risk.

Even Muntjac can cause injury if they feel threatened.

The next step is to call the City of London Corporation, Epping Forest 24 hour call out line 020 8532 1010, give as much detailed information as you can, if possible please stay with the animal until trained staff arrive (this is normally quickly), and monitor any mobile phones for contact from Epping Forest Keepers.

If there is heavy traffic, or, there is a safety issue to other road users, contact the police – although there is no legal requirement to report a road traffic collision involving deer as they are classified as ‘wild animals’.

Nick Baker, Senior Forest Keeper, Epping Forest City of London Corporation.