I was initially surprised at the headline in last week’s Guardian concerning children’s treatment being hit by staff shortages.

Was this a result of unforeseen circumstances or crass management? It is difficult to see it being anything other than crass management and thus Barts’ comment will be interesting.

However, is this the thin end of the wedge and are we on the slope to the closure of Whipps Cross Hospital, enabling Barts to effectively asset strip residents of this fundamental facility?

Whipps management would no doubt respond by saying this is scaremongering.

But on the reduction of services, how many readers are aware Whipps Cross no longer offers hip replacements?

An elderly neighbour of mine is due to have this procedure, but has been told she will have to go to Newham to have the operation done.

How easy is this to reach by public transport?

Interestingly, the provision of adequate local services is not one of Barts NHS Trust’s key values.

On the subject of crass management at Barts, I had an outpatients appointment back in May and was told a follow up was needed in August.

As this did not materialise, I made several calls to the outpatients department and learned from staff there a new appointments system had been introduced which, for some reason, this did not pick up the need for repeat appointments.

Thus if you are waiting for a repeat appointment which should have taken place some time ago, you should chase this up with the outpatients department.

As yet I have received no formal response to a complaint I made to Barts on this matter.

Is this not yet another example of poor management in not properly evaluation software prior to its introduction?

Why do the managers or Chief Executives never take responsibility for such appalling behaviour?

Chris Patmore South Avenue, Chingford