TUBERCULOSIS screening for patients at Darent Valley Hospital began yesterday as health experts tried to ensure there were no more cases.

Already 50 hospital staff have been tested for Multi Drug Resistant TB (MDRTB) and given the all-clear.

The alarm was raised after a patient was admitted for MDRTB in an isolated room on Linden Ward and a second patient then contracted the same disease a few months later.

Public health officials decided 75 previous patients in the ward should return for tests to ensure they are not infected with the lung disease.

A further 300 medical staff still needed to be screened, the official said.

Letters calling people in for tests were sent two weeks ago and medical staff say the response has been good, although they still need to hear from some.

Hospital spokesman Glyn Oakley said: "This is purely a precautionary measure but we do need to make sure everyone who needs to be seen is seen."

Tests should continue until the end of October.