A synagogue celebrated Mitzvah Day 2013 yesterday by donating over 125 food items to a hostel for the homeless.

Members of Woodford Liberal Synagogue, in Marlborough Road, South Woodford, made the donation to Jason Lee House, in York Road, Ilford.

Mitzvah Day is a global, annual day of social action, which involves communities pool resources to help various groups and charities.

Children from the synagogue took part in a Saturday service where they learnt the meaning of a Mitzvah and what constitutes a “good deed”, while also donating toys and games to World Jewish Relief, a charity aiding Jewish communities at risk.

On Sunday the synagogue organised afternoon tea with care home residents at Vi and John Rubens House in Gants Hill.

Synagogue chairman Bob Kamall said: “I am very proud and encouraged that members of our congregation came to support such an important cause on Mitvah Day.”