A MASS outdoor celebration to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan will be held next week.

Eid in the Park will be held in Melbourne Fields in Ilford's Valentines Park on either September 9 or 10, depending on the sighting of the new moon, which governs the traditional Muslim calendar.

Last year's inaugural event attracted over 6,000 people and organisers - the Redbridge Islamic Centre (RIC) and the Redbridge Community Forum (RCF) - hope that the upcoming event will be even more popular.

Zac Hussain, lead event organiser for the RCF, said: "We are delighted to offer this unique event to the local community, the second Eid in the Park, celebrating this joyous day."

Eid-ul-Fitr means 'festival of charity' and is the end of the Islamic month of fasting.

Abul Khayar Ali, chairman of RIC, said: "With the support of local people we expect to have yet another successful Eid in the Park and request everyone attending to either walk or take public transport to the venue to minimise any disruption to the local area."

The two-hour ceremony will begin at 9.30am.

For more information call 07809 759 604, or alternatively email redbridge.rcf@gmail.com or eitp.eitp@gmail.com.