A TRAVEL book, written by Christian Small, who died in the 7/7 bombings, was published this week.

Wake Up and Smell the Fufu, finished posthumously by his family and friends from emails he sent from Africa, went on sale on the second anniversary of his death.

Mr Small, of Garner Road, Walthamstow, was killed in the explosion at Russell Square while on his way to work as a marketing executive.

But his sense of humour and love for life live on in the frequently hilarious travelogue, written while he volunteered in a Ghanaian school and journeyed through West Africa.

Christian, who changed his name on his return to Njoya Diawara, which means man of strong spirit, started the book before he died.

"It's been incredibly useful, it's helped us to breathe," said his mother Sheila Henry.

"He was so passionate about writing and reading it, you can't help but laugh, it's just like you're there with him.

"It was his first book, it was our duty to finish it and we are immensely proud of him."

The proceeds of the book will go to projects chosen by A foundation set up in his name, which helps black boys in London develop skills, confidence and self-esteem.

"We want to give them the confidence to know that they too can travel and broaden their horizons," Ms Henry said.

Wake Up and Smell the Fufu is available for £10 from www.njoyafoundation.org.uk.