I was shocked by your article about the sacking from Whipps Cross, by Barts Health Trust of the highly respected Occupational Therapist and Trade Union Representative Charlotte Monro.

The statement that you quoted from Barts Health Trust presented a very misleading picture of Ms Monro's professional career, her trade union work and her personal character.

Her high standard of work as a health professional, her commitment to patient care, and that she has never presented any risk to patients was acknowledged at the disciplinary hearing and appeal.

On the contrary, in 2009 Charlotte received a special award from Whipps Cross Trust Board for her tireless efforts to defend and promote good hospital provision and high quality patient care for local residents.

The fact that incidents from 35-44 years ago, when she was a student activist, have been brought up against her at this moment, has the air of a witch hunt.

Barts Health Trust launched a disciplinary investigation against Charlotte Monro within days after she had appeared before the Waltham Forest Health Scrutiny Committee to inform them of the changes proposed by Barts Health to the Stroke service at Whipps Cross hospital.

Barts Health had failed to give details of these proposals to the local authority, local patient representative organisations, and to other relevant stakeholders; it is probable therefore, that they did not wish this information to be given to an important public body by one of the concerned Whipps Cross staff.

NHS staff are in an impossible situation: they are required by their professional Codes of Conduct to raise concerns about potential risks to patients " in the environment of care"; however if they challenge cuts in patient care proposed by their managers, it seems that they may face reprisals.

We as a local residents' campaign group wish to know about proposed changes in our NHS services ; the management "spin" alone is not sufficient information, we want to know how the clinical staff feel about those changes It is a worrying loss to the whole community that this committed defender of NHS services has been sacked, as well as an outrage to natural justice.

The effect of Charlotte Monro's sacking will be to silence NHS staff, through fear of intimidation and character assassination.

Norma Dudley, co chair, We are Waltham Forest Saving our NHS.