As a result of evidence from several clusters of householders reporting attempted and actual home burglaries, in Higham Hill, over recent months, our residents have asked for the full delivery of the crime prevention contract between our local police family and protection of community residential property.

Over past weeks, reports from our regular local community residential surveys have found that homes have been broken into across Higham Hill - from Banbury Road/Travers Close Estate to the Gloucester Road area E17, and in all instances residents are in despair and being placed in fear by risk of further house burglary outrages.There is clear resident evidence of a local epidemic of house burglaries.

Residents are asking for greater public anti-crime protection and Neighbourhood Watch during day-time hours and question is all being done 24/7 to apprehend the offenders?

Many families are being forced to pay at their own cost for CCTV to fit at the front and rear of their homes, as the threat of burglary has escalated and `magpie' jewellery theft,now seems to be common and must be stopped.

In some cases residents are now paying out £2,000 or more for the installation of monitoring anti-theft equipment and wages are not the highest in the borough for most hard pressed earners and bread-winners being subjected to this home torment.

The outbreak of household burglaries clearly points to the need for greater householder self-help but our residents must also have faith and confidence in the crime prevention dividend from traditional Higham Hill neighbourhood street patrols and the arrest of criminals.

We encourage residents to contact the police whenever a suspicious incident occurs and seek to encourage a trusting local bond between police and neighbourhood with report all important information that will be necessary to catch criminals .

We must all work to restore a feeling of home security without such high cost to the pocket of CCTV.

Patrick C Smith,Higham Hill, Higham Hill, Liberal Democrat Focus