I am a volunteer with a group of adults with learning difficulties who clear scrub in Epping Forest, a task which they thoroughly enjoy come rain or shine.

We meet at Bradley’s tea hut weekly and enjoy a really good relationship with staff and customers.

We are made to feel welcome and wanted by all.

Bradley often refuses payment from some of our less well-off members without making a fuss or looking for thanks.

He has for sometime now catered for our end of term lunch without taking payment.

Indeed last year Brad cycled our lunch to us in a rather remote spot in Bury Wood, getting thoroughly soaked in the process.

Bradley’s tea hut is a vibrant and interesting spot where all users of Epping Forest can meet and enjoy good food and conversation.

I feel that a quiet gentrification of Epping Forest is happening and possibly the next step is a Starbucks outlet in place, with large price increases driving out less well-off people.

I urge all your readers to sign the petition at savetheteahut.com or like it on Facebook.

Alan Bailey.