After years of neglect, Chingford Mount Cemetery laid some chippings for a path leading to graves near the north road. 

It was done on the cheap, so consequentially last year weeds grew across the path, thus preventing me getting to my mother’s grave.

After much complaining, some weed killer was put down and the path was accessible again. 

Last Sunday, my husband and I visited the cemetery and once again tall grass and weeds were blocking our way.

Two ladies, a mother and daughter, were clearing the nearby path to their relative’s grave and said they were appalled at the state of the place.

They pointed to graves near the path, which could not even be seen for the weeds.

They also pointed out how well the newer graves were kept, especially those near to Chingford Mount.

If one side of the cemetery can be looked after, why can’t they at least put weed killer along the paths and between the graves in the middle section?

The ladies told us that where they live now, the cemeteries are well maintained. 

Surely Waltham Forest council personnel, who tell us on their website that this is a wonderful place to visit, have not themselves visited this part of the cemetery. 

Diane Hallsworth,
Gunners Grove, 