ARSENE Wenger is preparing to launch a £6million bid for unsettled West Ham keeper Robert Green, according to reports.

The Arsenal boss is keen to add another goalkeeper to his squad following the depature of Jens Lehmann to Stuttgart.

And according to reports this morning, Hammers star Green - who put in some excellent displays for the east Londoners last season- has emerged as his top target.

The 28-year-old's future at Upton Park has been cast into doubt after he publicly called on the Irons to offer him a new contract.

The one-capped England star reckons he is underpaid compared to many of his team mates and, as such, feels undervalued.

And the prospect of playing Champions League football and challenging for the Premier League title with the Gunners next season would surely be an appealing option to the former Norwich man.

However, Wenger would face a tough fight to prise the highly-rated Hammers number one away from the Boleyn Ground.