A primary school has been ranked 10th best in Essex.

Hereward Primary School in Colebrook Lane, Loughton, was placed in the top ten primary schools by Real School Guide 2019.

The school which has also been graded ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, scored highly in the Guides four main ratings; attainment, attainment for all, progress and attendance.

The Real Schools Guide reviews every primary school across the county, measuring 44 areas to determine their annual ranking from best and worst.

Headmaster Matt Woolard said: “We are delighted of the wonderful achievement of our pupils and dedicated ethics of our staff have been recognised in this way.

“Everyone strives to do their best every day. It’s lovely to have this recognition.

“I’ll be informing the children in assembly tomorrow and the parents have also been involved.”

With the deadline looming for parents and guardians to submit their school choices Mr Woolard said: “Hereward Primary School has been an exceptional school for a number of years. This year is an indication of the hard work we do year in year out.

“We are unrelenting in the way we support our pupils we want the very best for them. Our approach to doing our best is not going to change.”

To view the ranking of your primary school, visit goodschoolsguide.co.uk.