At a time of so much grief and sorrow it was wonderful to read in the Guardian that a stem cell match has been found for 12-year-old Libby Cotts.

Her entire family must be overjoyed and we must all hope that it will lead to Libby being restored to good health. While it is right that we should have our own health anxieties, we should never forget the daily battles that children like Libby and my own granddaughter Holly face, often for many years. These children are true warriors and their bravery often puts grown men to shame.

Read more: Donor match found for brave girl diagnosed with severe blood disorder

I have no time for people who moan all day about their minor complaints while the Libbys and Hollys of the world fight for their very lives. Bless all sick children and give skills to the thousands of people in health care who strive to make them better.

I hope that all the men who have had Covid-19 will answer the call and give their anti-body serum to the NHS. Like bone marrow being offered to Libby, it could lead to life saving therapy for our children of today and tomorrow.

We must do all we can for them; endless stays in hospital and the pain that accompanies it is no life for children. They need to run on beaches and play games with their friends. Most of all we must give them hope that they will get better for that is the ultimate prize.

Tom Benfield

Buckhurst Hill