POLICE are concerned at a worrying rise in bogus caller burglaries.

In a normal week Redbridge police deal with around two bogus burglaries but that figure has been on the rise recently, with six occurring on Friday alone.

Distraction burglaries are when crooks trick their way into people's homes, usually the elderly, by pretending to be officials such as water board representatives.

While in the home they will steal cash and valuable objects.

Two of the recent burglaries occurred at Milne Court, a residential home in Churchfields, South Woodford on Wednesday, November 29.

The first victim was a 90-year-old woman who answered the door to a man at her flat at around 8pm.

He told her there was a flood in the flat above her and he needed to get into her flat to fix it.

The woman let the man in but it was only when he left she realised he had taken £80 in cash.

The second victim - an 81-year-old man - was targeted at around the same time. This time, the suspect left with £110.

He is described as white, around 25 to 30 years old, 5ft 11ins tall and is heavily-built.

Witnesses to these, or any other distraction burglaries, should call the burglary and robbery squad on 8345 2667.