THE METROPOLITAN police's annual December offensive against drink driving will be accompanied this year by a crackdown on drug drivers.

Since May last year more than 700 traffic and transport officers across London have been trained to carry out field impairment tests which indicate whether drivers have been using drugs.

The number of traffic patrols will increase across the capital in drink drive related hotspots and places with a lot of speeding, and early morning patrols will be on the look out for those still over the limit from the night before.

Metropolitan Police Chief Supt Charles Griggs: "We want motorists to think carefully and bear in mind that the decision to drive after drinking or taking drugs could make the difference between life and death. Lives can be destroyed by the death or serious injury of a loved one. You could lose your job, your right to drive, be fined and in addition be sent to prison."

Under new legislation drivers can be arrested for refusing to take field impairment tests and officers will be out and about across the capital telling people about the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs.