A LEYTON couple campaigning for the banning of music on buses are celebrating because Transport for London (TfL) has agreed to put signs on its buses telling people to turn their music off.

Tom Wright and Valeria Martinelli achieved support from thousands of people last year after launching a campaign to ban people on buses playing music out loud on their phones and Mp3 players.

The campaign was so successful that the London Assembly members passed a motion supporting it.

But the couple were disappointed in March when TfL unveiled new signs that merely asked people to keep their music down, rather than ordering them to switch it off.

Now though, after complaints from the couple, TfL have changed the signs. They now read "Turn it off: Keep it down." The signs will be mandatory on all London buses.

Mr Wright said: "We are so pleased. We never thought this would happen, but it seems that our efforts have been rewarded in the end.

"TfL has eventually listened to their customers and taken an active step to try and discoruage one aspect of antisocial behaviour.

"We look forward to seeing the signs on London buses soon and to pointing them out to the mindless few who think it is acceptable to share their noise with everyone on the bus."