A comedian has adapted to London under lockdown by becoming one of the world’s first artists to work in the medium of lucid dreams.

Pre-pandemic, Dave Green was performing stand-up across the UK, but the sudden closure of venues forced him to develop an alternative creative outlet.

He rediscovered lucid dreaming, which he first experienced when he was a child, and started drawing images in his dreams to be recreated upon waking.

Now he is creating the world’s first lucid dream t-shirts, and taking commissions from his rapidly growing following, 'travelling' to buyers' homes while dreaming.

“When you’re lucid dreaming, you’re in an altered state of consciousness,” said Dave. “You know you’re in a dream, so you can control what happens.

“At first, people thought it was a new comedy character, but when they realised I was serious, they really got on board.”

Dave practises wake induced lucid dreaming, or W.I.L.D, which often involves an out-of-body experience whereby the dreamer enters a realistic dream-version of the environment they went to sleep in.

Among his recent creations are ‘Space Monkey’ and a variety of symbols that even Dave doesn’t claim to understand.

"It’s a bit of a U-turn from being a stand-up,” said Dave. “The only similarity is I’m still working at night.”

To see more, visit: www.youtube.com/watch?v=K153flJzhLQ&feature=youtu.be

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